
Open Pike Drill Practice May 4th @ Cowen Park in Seattle

Goode’s Company will be holding drill practice in Seattle’s Cowen Park on Sunday, May 4th, at 1:00pm. This practice is open to anyone who would like to attend and will be in casual modern clothes, so if you have an interest in 16th century military actions, feel free to drop by. We won’t be shooting muskets in the park because it makes the police nervous. You may want to bring a pair of work gloves if you have delicate hands, but they are not required.


Goode’s Company Pike Practice, 1pm on May 4th

Goode’s Company will be holding pike drill practice on May 4th, 1pm at Cowen Park in Seattle. Anyone can come and no historical clothing is required. We will be covering basic motions of the pike as well as marching and defensive formations. More details.

One week until the Actions of the Low Countries X

Goode’s Company is sending a contingent to the Low Countries (or rather Vallejo, California…but at 60ft above sea level, that’s still kinda low) for Actions of the Low Countries X. There will be pike and muskets and cavalry and cannons. What more could a disheveled, underfed, and ill-paid Elizabethan soldier ask for?

Delivering a volley

Delivering a volley

Artillery ready for action

Artillery ready for action

Company Introduction, Drill Practice, and Cookout

Wondering if Goode’s Company is a group that would suit you? On June 30th, 1:00 – 3:00pm, we will be having drill practice at Cowen Park in Seattle. This will include an introduction to the company for interested newcomers, and also some basic training in actions with the pike. Period clothing is not required for this event. At three o’clock or so, we will stow the pikes and repair to the Lieutenant’s house nearby for an afternoon cookout, libations, and socializing.

Anyone is welcome to drop by and see what we do. If you have questions, feel free to drop us a line using the contact form on our website or via our Facebook page.

Goode’s Company to Appear at Ye Olde County Faire

yeoldecountyfaire2013Goode’s Company will be doing a pike and shot demonstration and display at Ye Olde County Faire in Ellensburg, WA, on June 1 & 2.

Goode’s Company Returns to Armed Forces Day at JBLM

Goode’s Company Captures a German Machine Gun in 2010. It was malfunctioning, but we don’t tell that part over drinks.

On May 18th, Goode’s Company will join a number of other historical education and reenactment groups at the Armed Forces Day celebration at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. There, we expect to see old friends, do some training, bring members of the public into our ranks to learn pike actions, and generally look for mischief including the traditional “Grande Melee” wherein we take the field with Romans, Civil War reenactors, the Wermacht, and turn-of-the-last-century RoughRiders in an awesome and surreal cross-time mixup (in which we generally get wiped out pretty quickly by the guys with machine guns).

Adventures at the Actions of the Low Countries 2013

Delivering a volley at the Spaniards in the treeline

On the weekend of April 20th, Goode’s Company contributed some of Shepshetshire’s finest infantry to Her Majesty’s expeditionary force in the Low Countries of Holland where, if their stories in the tavern are to be believed, they met and routed 1000 5000 10000 Spanish soldiers in an afternoon. In any event, our adventure at the Actions of the Low Countries was a fine one. The pikemen piked, against other pike and against lesser weapons, and the musketeers…um…musketted loudly and often. And we had a chance to work with other groups from all over the west coast and a bit inland. Our thanks to The School of the Renaissance Soldier for putting on this fine event.

Gallery of photos from The Actions of the Low Countries 2013

Have a Care: Drill Practice 3/16 and Upcoming Events

Spring is here. A number of events are coming up: The Actions of the Low Countries is in April, Armed Forces Day at JBLM is in May, and a nebulous June event is threatening to assume solid form. It is time to rouse ourselves from our annual hibernation and admit that the campaigning season will soon be upon us.

Artist’s impression of our drill at the Pumpkin Hurl.
Let’s do better.

To that end, we will be day-tripping to Tilbury Camp on Saturday March 16th for Pike and Shot Drill Practice. Musketeers, please make an effort to be there, since I plan for you to be doing a lot of drill and shooting in preparation for the ALC. For the pikemen, I have been digging through a fascinating new manuscript that discusses some new things, which we will cover once everyone remembers right from left.

Dress to stay dry and warm, in period clothes as much as you can because I’d like to get an idea of our clothing situation.

Goode’s Company Pike & Shot Training at the Snohomish Pumpkin Hurl Sept. 15 & 16

Snohomish Pumpkin Hurl The next drill training for Goode’s Company will be held at the Snohomish Pumpkin Hurl in Everett, WA on Sept. 15th & 16th. If you are interested in what we do and would like to come check us out, this is a great opportunity.

Come join us at the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire!

Washington Midsummer Renaissance FaireGoode’s Company and Academia della Spada are demonstrating sixteenth-century pike, shot, and sword techniques at the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire in Bonney Lake, Washington on August 4th & 5th, 11th & 12th, and 18th & 19th.

Come let us drag you from the audience, put a pike into your hand, and teach you how to trounce the enemies of Good Queen Bess!